Alioting - Best Information

Kiwi Fruit Nutrition Content

Posted by | 6:00 PM
Fruits are one source of nutrients and contain vitamins or minerals that are beneficial to human body. Therefore we recommend adding fruit ...

Benefits of Milk

Posted by | 9:37 PM
Commonly known as milk drinks amplifier bones and teeth due to  calcium  content it has. However, there are actually lots of nutrients that...

Food Triggers and Stress Relief

Posted by | 8:36 PM
Food and Beverage Stress Triggers Foods high in salt and fat is a food trigger stress.   The reason is because these foods stimulate the pr...

Nine kinds of Cheese

Posted by | 8:22 PM
Based on the basic ingredients, the cheese can be made from cow's milk, buffalo, sheep and goats. While the texture of cheese is class...

History of Batagor

Posted by | 8:58 PM
Indonesian culinary products, most are already very well known by the public. There Meatball, Chicken Noodle, Pempek, up to hundreds of sna...

Roti Prata

Posted by | 9:31 PM
Roti prata is a fried flour-based pancake that is cooked over a flat grill. It is usually served with a vegetable or meat based curry and ...

Indian Curry Dishes

Posted by | 9:23 PM
Curry is the name for various types of food cooked with spices to have a sharp and spicy flavor. Curry is the cuisine of South Asian origi...


Posted by | 9:14 PM
Rojak is one of the most popular food in Indonesia after the Nasi Goreng. Moreover, in Java, especially in Malang. Rojak cingur usuall...


Posted by | 9:00 PM
Dumplings are Indonesian cuisine influenced by Chinese people who immigrated to Indonesia since a very long time. The word comes from the w...

Six for The Health Benefits of Mushrooms

Posted by | 10:00 PM
Mushrooms have been used for thousands of years, both as food and herbal medicines. Studies show that fungi can increase the production and...
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A Short Story About "PASTA"

Posted by | 9:22 PM
Pasta is a processed food that comes from Italy. Pasta dough made ​​from a mixture of flour, water, eggs and salt. From this dough, pasta s...
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Most Delicious Food in The World

Posted by | 11:15 PM
In this world so many foods have tastes above average. However, if you have ever tasted. This is the most delicious food available in 10 cou...

Most Spicy Food in The World

Posted by | 11:00 PM
For you lovers of spicy foods, may not be surprised to taste the food or spicy cuisine. spicy sensation is very popular, so it is usually fo...